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Our Services - Take action!

Data entry automation

Custom reports


Stop entering the same information in each of your reports. You can use a Template file which will allow you to start with the right data or to select it from a list, from options, or to restrain what can be entered in the fields. You can also select mandatory fields.

Add your company logo and any relevant information for each of the reports you have to produce. No more forgetting or data entry errors, no more waste of time.

Normalized report

International / Corporate


If your company has to comply with international or corporate standards, verify if the results from your analysis systems can be exported in a format that can be used by Mircrosoft Excel. If yes, you could not only obtain an automatic classification of the data, you could also display Go-NoGo type of alerts. It would then be possible to easily display the results according to these international or corporation standards.

Results history

Progress analysis


Cumulate your key results in a single document which will allow you to easily analyze their evolution. This allows you to obtain an effective dashboard with various trend charts. This may help tracing important information leading to a better understanding of the causes of an improvement or the source of a problem. Produce monthly reports that really speak to you!

Optimization of your ideas

Surprising possibilities


Share your ideas and let's see what can be done!

It's hard to imagine the power of Microsoft Excel. Visual Basic for Application (VBA) is a programming language that allows to create small independent software with all the controls that this option brings. Using the new and very powerful tools added to Microsoft Excel in the recent years, we can let our imagination run wild!

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